BAZAR (“Bahaya NAPZA dan Pencegahannya Pada Remaja” or “The Danger of Narcotics, Psychotropics, and Addictive Substances (NAPZA) and Prevention for Teenagers”)

On Saturday, February 24, 2024, a community service activity was held at SMA Islam Sudirman Pakis, Keponan Village, Pakis District, Magelang Regency with the theme “BAZAR: The Danger of Narcotics, Psychotropics, and Addictive Substances (NAPZA) and Prevention for Teenagers.” The purpose of this activity was to provide knowledge to the current generation of teenagers so that they understand the dangers of NAPZA and actively participate in avoiding and eradicating NAPZA, thus improving the quality of Indonesian Human Resources in the future.

Education was carried out using the lecture method, and the event was closed with the election of anti-drug ambassadors and the declaration of an anti-drug pledge by the ambassadors, which was then followed by all participants of the socialization.

The activity began with counseling about NAPZA and how to prevent it in teenagers. Before the event started, a pre-test was conducted to determine the extent to which the participants recognized NAPZA. At the end of the event, a post-test was conducted in the form of a game that made the participants very active and excited. The participant with the highest score was appointed as the anti-drug ambassador and recited the anti-drug declaration, which was then followed by all participants.

In addition to counseling, we created a pocket book containing knowledge about NAPZA and its prevention in teenagers so that it can be a medium for students to increase their knowledge and can be read practically because the size of the book is not too large. We also gave keychains to the students that said “SAY NO TO DRUGS” as a form of declaration by us, the students of the Master of Pharmacy Management and SMA Islam Sudirman Pakis, to say no to drugs.

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