Study Program Specifications


Name of Study Program : Master in Pharmacy Management
Legal Foundation of Establishment


: 1.   Law No.12 of 2012 concerning Higher Education

2.   Regulation of the Minister of Research, Technology, and Higher Education No. 44 of 2015 concerning Higher Education National Standards (SN-DIKTI)

3.   Regulation of UGM Rector No. 11 of 2016 concerning Graduate Education

4.   Regulation of UGM Rector No. 16 of 2016 concerning the Basic Framework for the UGM Curriculum

Position in the National Education Level : Graduates of the Master in Pharmacy Management in the Indonesian National Qualification Framework (KKNI) are at level 8, with a maximum study duration of 4 (four) years.
Vision : Becoming a pioneer of master education in pharmacy management and social pharmacy that excels at the national level, with international standards, which promotes ethics and morals based on Pancasila to serve the interests of the nation and humanity.
Mission : a.   Conducting master education in pharmacy management and social pharmacy that excels at the national level, with international standards, based on research results and community service.

b.   Organizing and developing research in pharmacy management and social pharmacy that excel by promoting ethics and morals to achieve national and international recognition.

c.    Managing and developing community services in pharmacy management and social pharmacy that excel based on research results applying the principles of Pancasila to serve the interests of the nation and humanity.

Objectives : a.    Producing graduates of master’s degree in pharmacy management and social pharmacy who excel and have ethics – morals, the spirit of Pancasila, and leadership skills in pharmacy management and social pharmacy.

b.    Producing research works in the field of pharmacy management and social pharmacy, with national and international recognition, that become a pillar of education, science development, and recommendations for pharmaceutical/health policies.

c.     Producing works related to community service based on research results to solve national and humanitarian problems.

Graduates Profile of Master in Pharmacy Management


: Able to be:

a.   Leaders in pharmaceutical practice or other relevant occupations

b.   Researcher at pharmaceutical/health research and development institute

c.    Entrepreneur in the Pharmacy/Health sector

d.   Academics

Expertise : Pharmacy Management
Entrance Qualification : Bachelor’s degree in pharmaceutical science or other related fields of science
Duration of Study : Two years (Four semesters)
Study Load : 44 credits
Title : Master of Pharmacy (M. Pharm)
Organizer : Faculty of Pharmacy of UGM
Address : Jl. Sekip Utara Yogyakarta 55281

Phone and Fax +62 274 546857

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