Vision and Mission


Vision : Becoming a pioneer of master education in pharmacy management and social pharmacy that excels at the national level, with international standards, which promotes ethics and morals based on Pancasila to serve the interests of the nation and humanity.
Mission : a.   Conducting master education in pharmacy management and social pharmacy that excels at the national level, with international standards, based on research results and community service.

b.   Organizing and developing research in pharmacy management and social pharmacy that excel by promoting ethics and morals to achieve national and international recognition.

c.    Managing and developing community services in pharmacy management and social pharmacy that excel based on research results applying the principles of Pancasila to serve the interests of the nation and humanity.

Objectives : a.    Producing graduates of master’s degree in pharmacy management and social pharmacy who excel and have ethics – morals, the spirit of Pancasila, and leadership skills in pharmacy management and social pharmacy.

b.    Producing research works in the field of pharmacy management and social pharmacy, with national and international recognition, that become a pillar of education, science development, and recommendations for pharmaceutical/health policies.

c.     Producing works related to community service based on research results to solve national and humanitarian problems.