The Program Educational Objectives are:

  1. Producing graduates of master’s degree in pharmacy management and social pharmacy who excel and have ethics – morals, the spirit of Pancasila, and leadership skills in pharmacy management and social pharmacy.
  2. Producing research works in the field of pharmacy management and social pharmacy, with national and international recognition, that become a pillar of education, science development, and recommendations for pharmaceutical/health policies.
  3. Producing works related to community service based on research results to solve national and humanitarian problems.

The graduates of the Master of Pharmacy Management Program have the following profile:

  1. Leader
  2. Researcher
  3. Entrepreneur
  4. Teacher
1. Leader The graduates become a leader in the units relevant to the application of pharmacy management and social pharmacy who can internalize the spirit of independence, and can evaluate, make decisions, and demonstrate independent performance to produce solutions with integrity to solve health problems in society.
2. Researcher The graduates become a researcher in the broad field of social pharmacy and pharmacy management peculiarly, who is independent, masters research principles in the development and application of social pharmacy, and can manage, lead, and develop innovative social pharmacy research to improve the quality of life in society, nation, and state, through inter, multi and transdisciplinary approach.
3. Entrepreneur The graduates become an entrepreneur who masters to organize, operate businesses in pharmacy and other relevant sectors, create and develop innovative business applying the theory and practice of pharmacy management and social pharmacy, being an exemplar for complying with the business’ regulations and ethics.
4. Teacher The graduates become a teacher who masters the concept of academic integrity, philosophy of social pharmacy, theory, and general concepts of advanced science in pharmacy management, performs teaching professionally, and can master and develop new theories in social pharmacy.




  • Attitude
    1. Demonstrating the attitude of Pancasila and awareness of the interests of the nation and state.
    2. Demonstrating honesty, responsibility, confidence, emotional maturity, ethics, and awareness of being a lifelong learner.


  • Mastery of Knowledge
    1. Mastering the application theory of pharmacy management and social pharmacy in depth to develop research and implement the research results for scientific development;
    2. Mastering the practical methods of pharmacy management and social pharmacy to solve pharmaceutical/health problems

  • General Skills
    1. Applying logical, critical, systematic, and innovative thinking by utilizing information technology to obtain solutions according to areas of expertise with integrity embodied in scientific documents;
    2. Developing work networks, adapting, creating, contributing, supervising, evaluating, and making decisions to demonstrate independent and group performance to apply knowledge to social life.

  • Specific Skills
    1. Synthesizing and integrating the knowledge of pharmacy management and social pharmacy in a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary manner;
    2. Formulating new ideas for the application of management in the pharmacy and social pharmacy;
    3. Criticizing and providing input for improvement in the point of view of pharmacy management and social pharmacy on pharmaceutical/health problem-solving policies;
    4. Solving pharmaceutical/health problems by utilizing the knowledge of pharmacy management and social pharmacy through an interdisciplinary/multidisciplinary approach.