ACIAP (“Apoteker Cilik Aktif dan Pintar” or “Active and Smart Little Pharmacist”) 2023

Community service activity entitled “ACIAP” (Apoteker Cilik Aktif dan Pintar) in Kaponan Village, Magelang, Central Java, Indonesia. This activity will be held on February 24, 2024. Before delivering the materials about pharmacists to children, they will do a pre-test first. ACIAP is a community service activity that focuses on introducing Pharmacists and where pharmaceutical practice works. This activity also introduced children to the classification of preparations of attractively packaged medicine as well as how to use it and the introduction of the drug logo. At the time of delivering the material, children who actively answer will get stickers and those who collect the most stickers will get prizes at the end of this activity. This activity is also with “Board Game”, children will be divided into two teams Team A and Team B. Each team determines the leader as the first person and determines the color of the pion and card pack chosen. Each team member’s task is picking up cards at random, and then answering each question, if the answer is correct then the team can put one pion in the game area. The team that can first position three consecutive pions both vertically, horizontally, and obliquely will be the winner.

After playing the “Board Game”, then proceed to ice breaking to build cooperation and familiarity. Ice breaking can help children build a spirit of teamwork. Ice breaking makes it a habit for children to work together in small teams to solve specific challenges. After the ice-breaking activity, the children were asked to do the post-test with the same questions as during the pretest. For children who get the highest score of three children, they will be chosen to be “Apoteker Cilik”. Then the children who collect the most stickers will be selected two children who managed to collect the most stickers. The five children as the winners of the child pharmacist will be pinned with the pin of the “Apoteker Cilik” and get a prize as the winner.

The results of the evaluation assessment of students’ increased knowledge of the material that has been delivered reached 54%. Based on the minimum score set at 70, the number of student passes reached 96%, which is an increase of 19% from the total 77% achievement of the initial assessment in the pre-test. This achievement figure shows the success of the “ACIAP (Apoteker Cilik Aktif dan Pintar)” program in increasing students’ basic knowledge about pharmacists and drugs. The results of the questionnaire submitted to students also showed that students enjoyed participating in the educational program, were happy with the way the presenters were delivered, enjoyed playing with the board games made, were able to get to know pharmacists and drugs, and wanted to become pharmacists in the future.

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