On February 24, 2024, a community service activity titled “Mas Bejo,” which stands for “Towards Healthy, Talented, and Champion Children,” was held in Kaponan Village, Pakis Magelang, at SD MI Yaspi Kaponan. The participants were fifth-grade students from the local primary school. The program comprised various activities including pre-tests, presentations using PowerPoint and videos, games and quizzes, and post-tests. The educational content focused on promoting healthy snacks awareness among the students.
Community Service Activity in Kaponan Village, Pakis Subdistrict, Magelang Regency, with the theme “SELAMAT” (“Senam Lansia Bersama Apoteker Hebat” or “Elderly Exercise with Great Pharmacists”), held on February 24, 2024, targeting elderly individuals aged > 45 years. The number of participants present was 29 people, with a series of activities consisting of group exercises between MMF students and elderly residents of Kaponan Village. MMF students displayed an exercise video on the projector screen, demonstrated the movements, and then the elderly participants followed each instructed motion.