This community service activity is entitled “JAMKU: My Medicine Taking Schedule. Education on Medication Reminder Tools for the Elderly was carried out using lectures, demonstrations, and closed with a free health check activity. The activity was held on Saturday 24 February 2024 in Kaponan Village, Pakis District, Magelang Regency. Community service activities have targets, namely pre-elderly to elderly people. The series of activities that we designed were based on an analysis of the factors of non-adherence in taking medication which often occurs in the pre-elderly and elderly, namely forgetting to take medication. So, the activities we carry out aim to help people know how to take medication correctly and regularly on time.
The activity began with counseling regarding how to take medicine while fasting. The counseling was also interspersed with showing the teaching aids that we had made. At the end of the activity, the community was facilitated with a free health check in order to determine the condition of blood pressure, blood glucose levels, cholesterol and uric acid in the body. Each community member was distributed gifts in the form of tools to calculate the time to take medicine, checklist cards for taking medicine, as well as places to store medicine to increase knowledge and awareness of elderly people in taking medicine on time.
Our activities use several teaching aids, namely a tool that calculates the time to take daily medication and a checklist card for taking monthly medication for chronic disease patients. The props that we provide can be downloaded again by the public if they want to reproduce them at a later date via the barcodes available on the props. Apart from that, we also created educational media in the form of powerpoints and printed leaflets containing material on how to take medication while fasting in the month of Ramadan.