Expert Lecture

Learning National Scale Drug Distribution Management

from Upstream to Downstream


The Master of Pharmacy Management Study Program at Universitas Gadjah Mada hosted an expert lecture on Saturday, April 27th, 2024. The session was led by Dr. Dra. apt. Agusdini Banun Saptaningsih, MARS, the current Director of Pharmaceutical Management and Services at the Ministry of Health Republic of Indonesia, who previously held position as Director of Pharmaceutical Production and Distribution and briefly served as Secretary of the Directorate General of Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices. Her background also includes practice as a Pharmacist at Dharmais Cancer Hospital, a National Cancer Center, and consulting on the development of several private hospitals across Indonesia. This board of experience brought her as a suitable expert lecture regarding national scale of drug distribution management from policymaker to practitioners in healthcare facilities.

The session covered a range of topics essential for understanding the complexities of national drug distribution. These included the management and implementation of drug quality tests at government pharmaceutical installations, the Indonesian National Logistics System, integrated drug and vaccine management, and the management of vaccine distribution. Dr. Saptaningsih also discussed the broader health transformation underway in Indonesia, encompassing primary care, referral services, health security, health financing, human resources in health, and health technology. Highlighting the importance of health transformation in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, particularly those related to good health and well-being, Dr. Saptaningsih encouraged students, as future health practitioners, to actively participate in these efforts.

Furthermore, she shared practical insights from her experiences managing national-scale drug distribution challenges, such as vaccine procurement and distribution during the COVID-19 pandemic, addressing acute kidney failure in children from contaminated syrup medications, drug supply to remote Indonesian regions, and ensuring medication availability for Indonesian pilgrims. Through this lecture, students gained comprehensive knowledge about drug distribution management from both a policymaker’s and a healthcare implementer’s perspective, equipping them to undertake responsible practices in drug distribution to ensure safety, efficacy, and effectiveness.


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