- Sri Sulihtyowati Soebagyo, Prof., Dr., Apt.
- Achmad Fudholi, Prof., Dr., DEA., Apt.
- Marchaban, Prof., Dr., DESS., Apt.
- Satibi, Dr., M.Si., Apt.
- Dwi Endarti, Dr., M.Sc., Apt.
- Chairun Wiedyaningsih, Dr., M.Kes., M.App.Sc., Apt.
- Susi Ari Kristina, Dr., M.Kes., Apt.
- Tri Murti Andayani, Dr., Sp.FRS., Apt.
- Nanang Munif Yasin, Dr., MPharm., Apt.
- Djoko Wahyono, Prof., Dr., SU., Apt.
- Sugiyanto, Prof., Dr., SU., Apt.
- Suwidjiyo Pramono, Prof., Dr., DEA., Apt.
- Hari Purnomo, Dr., M.Si., Apt.
- Tatang Irianti, Dr., M.Sc., Apt.
- Zullies Ikawati, Prof., Dr., Apt.
- Abdul Rohman, Prof., Dr., M.Si., Apt.
- Hilda Ismail, Dr., M.Si., Apt.
- Akhmad Kharis Nugroho, Prof., Dr., M.Si., Apt.
- Rina Kuswahyuning, Dr., M.Si., Apt.
- Iwan Dwiprahasto, Prof., dr., M.Med.Sc., Ph.D.
- Ali Ghufron Mukti, Prof., dr., M.Sc., Ph.D.
- Erna Kristin, Dr., M.Si., Apt.
- Agus Kuncaka, Dr., DEA.
- Basu Swastha Dharmmesta, Prof., SE., MBA., Ph.D.
- Dibyo Pramono, Dr., drg., SU., MDSC.
- Eduardus Tandelilin, Prof., Dr., Drs., MBA.
- Eddy Junarsin, Dr.
- Gede Bayu Suparta, M.Si., PhD.
- Hari Kusnanto, Prof. , Dr., dr., SU., MS., Apt.
- I Wayan Nuka Lantara, Dr., SE., M.Si.
- Lasiyo, Prof., MA., MM.
- Sumarni, Dr., M.Si., P.Si.
- Wakhid Slamet Ciptono, Dr., MBA., MPM.
- Diah Ayu Puspandari, Dr., MBA., M.Kes., Apt.
- Zulaela, Dipl.Med.Stats, M.Si
- Ashika Prajnya Paramita, S.S., M.A.
- Lutfan Lazuardi, dr., M.Kes., Ph.D.
- Hawin, Prof., SH., LLM., Ph.D.
- Ragil Sriharto, Cand., Dr.
- Samsubar Saleh, Prof., Dr., M.Sc.
- Suci Paramitasari Syahlani, Dr., Ir., MM.
- Sudjito, Prof., Dr., M.Si., SH.
- Dani Pratomo, Drs., MM., Apt.
- Djoko Sujono, Drs., MBA., Apt.
- Dwi Pudjaningsih, Dra., M.Kes., Apt.
- Engko Sosialine M., Dra, M.Biomed, Apt
- Endang Yuniarti, Dra, M.Kes, Apt
- Harlina Kisdaryono, Dra., MM., Apt.
- Endang Budiarti, Dra., M.Pharm., Apt.
- Maura Linda Sitanggang, Dra., Ph.D.
- Lucky S. Slamet, Dra., M.Sc., Apt.
- Purwadi, Drs., MBA., Apt.
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