
Community Services

BUNKER (“Ibu Pintar Pilih Obat Kontrasepsi untuk Keluarga Berencana” or “Smart Mothers Choosing Contraception for Family Planning”) 2023

The theme of the social project was “BUNKER”, a short for “Ibu Pintar Pilih Obat Kontrasepsi untuk Keluarga Berencana” (Smart Mothers Choosing Contraception for Family Planning). The project was attended by 27 women in Kaponan Village, Pakis District, Magelang Regency. Activities included in the project were educational presentation, discussion, mini game, pre and post test questions and educational booklet distribution. The educational booklets were distributed to the village’s representative members of PKK/Pemberdayaan Kesejahteraan Keluarga (Empowerment of Family Welfare) team. read more

MISI PILOT (“Ibu Hamil dan Menyusui Aman Pilih Obat” or “Safe Medicine Selection for Pregnant and Breastfeeding Mothers”) 2023

On February 24, 2024, the Community Service Program was conducted by the Magister of Pharmacy Management UGM (MMF 2023) in Kaponan Village, Pakis District, Magelang Regency. One of the initiatives undertaken was providing education through counselling sessions to village residents, particularly women, regarding the safe use of medication during pregnancy and breastfeeding. This program was aptly named “Safe Medicine Selection for Pregnant and Breastfeeding Mothers” or “MISI PILOT”. The aim of this activity was to ensuring the safety of drug usage for pregnant and breastfeeding women concerning the impact on the baby. The event commenced at 8:00 AM in the morning and concluded at 11:30 AM in the afternoon, taking place in the Kaponan Village Head Office Hall. read more

CLEAR (“Cara Lengkap Atasi dan Edukasi Acne Pada Remaja” or “Comprehensive Approach to Address and Educate Acne in Adolescents”) 2023

On Saturday, February 24, 2024, the community service event titled “CLEAR: Comprehensive Approach to Address and Educate Acne in Adolescents” took place at SMPN 1 Pakis, Magelang Regency. The theme was chosen considering the prevalence of adolescents facing acne issues as they enter puberty, yet lacking understanding of the formation process and remedies.

The event was conducted through a presentation aided by PowerPoint slides containing light materials for easy comprehension. Speakers adopted an interactive approach, allowing participants to engage in direct discussions whenever clarification was needed. To maintain participants’ focus, videos illustrating the acne formation process were shown amidst the presentation. read more

BAZAR (“Bahaya NAPZA dan Pencegahannya Pada Remaja” or “The Danger of Narcotics, Psychotropics, and Addictive Substances (NAPZA) and Prevention for Teenagers”) 2023

On Saturday, February 24, 2024, a community service activity was held at SMA Islam Sudirman Pakis, Keponan Village, Pakis District, Magelang Regency with the theme “BAZAR: The Danger of Narcotics, Psychotropics, and Addictive Substances (NAPZA) and Prevention for Teenagers.” The purpose of this activity was to provide knowledge to the current generation of teenagers so that they understand the dangers of NAPZA and actively participate in avoiding and eradicating NAPZA, thus improving the quality of Indonesian Human Resources in the future. read more

ACIAP (“Apoteker Cilik Aktif dan Pintar” or “Active and Smart Little Pharmacist”) 2023

Community service activity entitled “ACIAP” (Apoteker Cilik Aktif dan Pintar) in Kaponan Village, Magelang, Central Java, Indonesia. This activity will be held on February 24, 2024. Before delivering the materials about pharmacists to children, they will do a pre-test first. ACIAP is a community service activity that focuses on introducing Pharmacists and where pharmaceutical practice works. This activity also introduced children to the classification of preparations of attractively packaged medicine as well as how to use it and the introduction of the drug logo. At the time of delivering the material, children who actively answer will get stickers and those who collect the most stickers will get prizes at the end of this activity. This activity is also with “Board Game”, children will be divided into two teams Team A and Team B. Each team determines the leader as the first person and determines the color of the pion and card pack chosen. Each team member’s task is picking up cards at random, and then answering each question, if the answer is correct then the team can put one pion in the game area. The team that can first position three consecutive pions both vertically, horizontally, and obliquely will be the winner. read more

JAMKU (“Jadwal Minum Obatku” or “My Medicine Taking Schedule”) 2023

This community service activity is entitled “JAMKU: My Medicine Taking Schedule. Education on Medication Reminder Tools for the Elderly was carried out using lectures, demonstrations, and closed with a free health check activity. The activity was held on Saturday 24 February 2024 in Kaponan Village, Pakis District, Magelang Regency. Community service activities have targets, namely pre-elderly to elderly people. The series of activities that we designed were based on an analysis of the factors of non-adherence in taking medication which often occurs in the pre-elderly and elderly, namely forgetting to take medication. So, the activities we carry out aim to help people know how to take medication correctly and regularly on time. read more

MAS BeJo (“Menuju Anak Sehat, Berbakat dan Juara” or “Towards Healthy, Talented, and Champion Children”) 2023

On February 24, 2024, a community service activity titled “Mas Bejo,” which stands for “Towards Healthy, Talented, and Champion Children,” was held in Kaponan Village, Pakis Magelang, at SD MI Yaspi Kaponan. The participants were fifth-grade students from the local primary school. The program comprised various activities including pre-tests, presentations using PowerPoint and videos, games and quizzes, and post-tests. The educational content focused on promoting healthy snacks awareness among the students. read more

SELAMAT (“Senam Lansia Bersama Apoteker Hebat” or “Elderly Exercise with Great Pharmacists”) 2023

Community Service Activity in Kaponan Village, Pakis Subdistrict, Magelang Regency, with the theme “SELAMAT” (“Senam Lansia Bersama Apoteker Hebat” or “Elderly Exercise with Great Pharmacists”), held on February 24, 2024, targeting elderly individuals aged > 45 years. The number of participants present was 29 people, with a series of activities consisting of group exercises between MMF students and elderly residents of Kaponan Village. MMF students displayed an exercise video on the projector screen, demonstrated the movements, and then the elderly participants followed each instructed motion. read more