

Workshop Production Planning And Inventory Control (PPIC)

On Thursday 06 June 2024, the Master of Pharmacy Management Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) held a workshop with the pharmaceutical industry and distributor experts. The topic taken in this workshop was PPIC (Production Planning and Inventory Control) for the Pharmaceutical Industry and Pharmaceutical Distributors. This event aims to provide participants, practitioners, students, and academics insight into supply chain systems and planning for producing medicine and other pharmaceutical products. read more

Expert Lecture

Learning National Scale Drug Distribution Management

from Upstream to Downstream

The Master of Pharmacy Management Study Program at Universitas Gadjah Mada hosted an expert lecture on Saturday, April 27th, 2024. The session was led by Dr. Dra. apt. Agusdini Banun Saptaningsih, MARS, the current Director of Pharmaceutical Management and Services at the Ministry of Health Republic of Indonesia, who previously held position as Director of Pharmaceutical Production and Distribution and briefly served as Secretary of the Directorate General of Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices. Her background also includes practice as a Pharmacist at Dharmais Cancer Hospital, a National Cancer Center, and consulting on the development of several private hospitals across Indonesia. This board of experience brought her as a suitable expert lecture regarding national scale of drug distribution management from policymaker to practitioners in healthcare facilities. read more

Expert Lecture

Development Management of Pharmaceutical Industry – an Expert Lecture

“Contribution of the Pharmaceutical Industry in the JKN Era”

An expert lecture on the Master of Pharmacy Management study program at Universitas Gadjah Mada was held on Saturday, April 27th, 2024, with the theme of cost savings in the Indonesian Pharmaceutical Industry. This expert lecture presented Drs. apt. Pre Agusta Siswantoro, MBA as Independent Commissioner of PT. Enseval Putra Megatrading. Before serving as Independent Commissioner of PT. Enseval, he was served as Kalbe’s External Relations Consultant and served as Manufacturing Director of Kalbe (pharma division) and Manufacturing Director of PT. Bintang Toedjoe. He also served as Chairman of Hisfardis (Association of Pharmaceutical Distribution) and deputy chairman of the IAI Central Management. Currently he is still appointed as the Jury of “Indonesia’s Innovation” organized by BIC and KNRT. Based on his experience, in this expert lecturer study, the students have the opportunity to explore knowledge comprehensively, especially regarding the development management of the pharmaceutical industry in Indonesia. read more

GMIF Scholarship

The Gadjah Mada International Fellowship (GMIF) Degree Program stands as a beacon of educational opportunity, extended by Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) to international students seeking to pursue a Master’s degree. With a special emphasis on candidates from the ASEAN region (excluding Indonesia) and Global South Countries, this scholarship program aims to empower individuals with outstanding academic
achievements to excel in their chosen fields of study.

Through the pursuit of Master’s degrees in relevant fields, GMIF participants not only enhance their own knowledge and skills but also lay the foundation for progress and development within their home countries. With a vision for a brighter future built upon the pillars of education and innovation, GMIF nurtures the next generation of leaders who will drive positive change and create impact on a global scale. read more